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Yui Funami (船見結衣 Funami Yui?) is a main character in the YuruYuri manga and anime franchise.

Aside from the original manga and anime (including OVAs and ONAs), she appears as a supporting character in Reset! and Ōmuro-ke. Yui is also a leading character in the isekai spin-off Tensei Shitara Akari dake Slime datta ken.


She is a cool-headed girl who often acts as the voice of reason to the other characters. She is one of the four members of the Amusement Club.


Yui is a tall girl for her age. She has chin-length black/dark purple hair in front with two locks in the back of her head reaching her shoulders, and dark brown eyes.

She is seen mostly with her school uniform, but when not at school, she usually wears normal, light clothes. She usually sleeps wearing the panda pajamas given to her by Kyōko.

When she was younger, she used to have long hair in kindergarten but cut her hair in elementary school to look tough for Kyōko.


Yui is a mature, reliable and no-nonsense person. Although generally quiet, she will often times burst into laughter upon hearing Ayano's puns or Kyōko's jokes. She is also renowned for her retorts, especially directed to Kyōko.

Yui enjoys video games and is shown to be a good cook, especially at making omelet rice, leaving Chinatsu obsessed with her food. She is a reliable friend and lives alone in an apartment complex, and although she won't admit it, she tends to feel lonely when others, particularly Kyōko, aren't around. Chinatsu compares her to a prince.

Although her academic ability is unknown, there are many scenes where Kyōko asks her to show her her homework, which suggests that it is pretty well. She is tall and a fast runner, because of she is so quick that she is solicited by the track and field club, denying them since she already is in the Amusement Club.

When she was younger, she was very boyish, not minding bugs and usually having a similar personality to the current Kyōko.


Kyōko Toshinō
Yui and Kyōko are best friends, although Yui frequently punishes Kyōko for her antics usually physically punishing her). Yui has stated that Kyōko's parents and her own were friends, so they were born into friendship. Yui sometimes laughs at Kyōko's jokes, but never when Kyōko tries to mimic Ayano's puns.
Akari Akaza
Along with Kyōko, the three of them are childhood friends. She seems to be the one most respectful towards Akari among the Amusement Club members, but is also prone to making fun of Akari on some occasions.
Chinatsu Yoshikawa
Yui is initially oblivious to Chinatsu's crush on her, however as time goes by Chinatsu's affections became apparent, which makes Yui slightly uneasy.
Ayano Sugiura
They appear to have mutual respect for each other, though it seems they know each other mainly due to Kyōko. When Kyōko suggests they could be sisters, as Ayano wanted a little sister and Yui wanted an older sister, they appear to like the idea, but become quickly embarrassed after Kyōko asks them to "act their roles". Yui also commonly laughs after hearing one of Ayano's puns.
Mari Funami
Yui is like a big sister to Mari and Mari visits her often. Yui cares for her little cousin dearly, as seen when she wanted Chinatsu to dress up as Mirakurun for her as Mari is a fan. Yui is also the one to give Mari her first errand and watches her from afar to make sure she is not approached by "suspicious people".
Chitose Ikeda
They don't interact much, although they are in the same class, but they're on friendly terms.
Sakurako Ōmuro
Not much is known about their relationship, but Yui says she's even lazier than Kyōko. They seem to be good friends nevertheless.
Himawari Furutani
Not much is known about their relationship, but they seem to get along. Yui, along with the other second year students, helps Himawari train back hip circles. [6]
Chizuru Ikeda
Yui empathizes with Chizuru, as another victim of Kyōko Toshinō's teasing. Whenever this happens, she nags Kyōko to leave Chizuru alone.
Nadeshiko Ōmuro
Nadeshiko first met Yui at a family restaurant. She notices a mistake Yui made on her homework and points out what Yui did wrong, then after a bit sitting down to help her. Yui is grateful for the help and Nadeshiko seems to enjoy seeing middle school problems again as the two work on Yui’s homework together. [7] Unbeknownst to the two, they play the same online game (Namo Namo Fantasy 4) together. [8]


🎬 Appearances 🎬

  • YuruYuri
    • Volume 1 – All chapters, except Chapter 11.
    • Volume 2 – All chapters, except Chapter 20.
    • Volume 3 – All chapters, except Chapter 32.
    • Volume 4 – All chapters, except Chapters 33 and 42. Also appears in the Special Booklet: Gachiyuri (Dream)
    • Volume 5 – All chapters, except Chapters 50 and 51.
    • Volume 6Specials 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and Chapter 52.
    • Volume 7Intermissions 1, 2, 3 (Imagination), 4, 6, 7, 8 and Bonus Comics 1 and 5.
    • Volume 8Bonus Track 9, Chapters 53, 55, 56, 57, 58 (Photo), 59 and 60.
    • Volume 9Intermissions 9, 10, 11, 13 and 15.
    • Volume 10 – All chapters, except Chapter 70.
    • Volume 10.5Intermissions 20, 22, 23 and 24.
    • Volume 11 – All chapters, except Chapters 72 and 77. Also appears in the Special Booklet: The Beginning of a Tale (All chapters)
    • Volume 12 – All chapters, except Chapter 85 and 87. Also appears in the Special Booklet: Nachuyachumi Epilogue 1.
    • Volume 13 – All chapters, except Chapter 97. Also appears in the Special Booklet: Nachuyachumi Epilogue 2.
    • Volume 14 – All chapters, except Chapter 101. Also appears in the Special Booklet: Mini Fanbook 2 - Teachers.
    • Volume 15Chapters 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 116, 118 and Special Booklet: Ayano-chan's Friend.
    • Volume 16Chapters 119, 120 (Imagination), 122 (Imagination), 123, 124, 126, 127 and Special Booklet: The Amusement Club and Their Teachers.
    • Volume 17 – All chapters, except Chapters 133 and 136. Also appears in the Special Booklet: One Day of Nanamori Junior High School.
    • Volume 18 – All chapters, except Chapters 145 and 146. Also appears in the Special Booklet: Until You're A Princess.
    • Volume 19TBA
    • Volume 20TBA
  • Reset!
  • Ōmuro-ke
  • Tensei Shitara Akari dake Slime datta ken
  • Miracle Girls Festival
  • ­Release the Spyce: Secret Fragrance

  • Character songs[]

    ♪ Tracklist ♪
    YuruYuri no Uta Series♪02: Goyururi World
    Song: Preview:
    "Goyururi World"
    "Cool Number"
    YuruYuri ♪♪ Music 04: E-kagen☆YUI-kagen
    Song: Preview:
    "Ton! Ton! Ton!"
    Yuruyuri Best Album 3 Yuruyu Rhythm♪3
    Song: Preview:
    "Tsuite Oideyo"
    "Aimai Self"
    Yuruyu Rythm Duet
    Song: Preview:
    "Heart☆Chase" (Yui & Akari)
    "Girls Power de" (Yui & Chinatsu)
    "Pajama Ryokou" (Yui & Kyōko)

    © 2017 Namori, Ichijinsha, Nanamori Junior High Gorakubu
    ℗ 2017 Pony Canyon Inc.


    • The name Yui means "tie, bind" (結) (yu) and "clothing, garment" (衣) (i).
    • Yui's surname Funami means "ship" (船) (funa) and "to see" (見) (mi).




    • She's weak around insects and spiders.[9]But when she was younger, according to Kyoko, she didn't mind bugs or spiders.
    • Yui's voice actress, Minami Tsuda, also voiced a similarly named and equally levelheaded character, Yui Ichii, in the anime YuYuShiki. Both Yuis act as the "straight man" in their group of friends.
    • Namori's mother thought Yui was the protagonist of the manga. She also placed second in the popularity vote in the second volume.
    • Yui sometimes plays video games in the morning instead of in the evening because it wakes her up.
    • She and Kyōko are the only characters who appeared in all episodes from the three seasons. (Akari and Chinatsu didn't appeared in S01E08, only in the intro/credits).
    • Her username in Namo Namo Fantasy 4 (seen in YuruYuri Chapter 138) is "Goyururi". This is a reference to her own character song "Goyururi World".


    1. Used by Akari Akaza
    2. YuruYuri Chapter 71
    3. YuruYuri Chapter 25
    4. YuruYuri Chapter 112
    5. Username in Namo Namo Fantasy 4 (YuruYuri Chapter 138)
    6. YuruYuri San☆Hai! Episode 05
    7. YuruYuri Intermission 24
      YuruYuri San☆Hai! Episode 05
      TenAka Chapter 3
    8. YuruYuri Chapter 138
    9. Chapter 63 / YuruYuri San☆Hai! Episode 02


    YuruYuri characters
    Amusement Club Akari AkazaKyōko ToshinōYui FunamiChinatsu Yoshikawa
    Student Council Ayano SugiuraChitose IkedaSakurako ŌmuroHimawari FurutaniRise Matsumoto
    Teachers Nana NishigakiHatsumi KitamiyaShihoko AzumaTsubasa Minamino
    Relatives Akane AkazaTomoko YoshikawaChizuru IkedaMari FunamiKaede FurutaniNadeshiko ŌmuroHanako Ōmuro
    Majokko Mirakurun Mirakurun/KurumiRivarun/RaikaGanbō
    Minor characters Haruka KoyamaTakane DezakiHiro Takaoka
    Cameo appearances Aoi IsurugiMirai SōmaKokoro OgawaMisaki TakasakiAi MiwaMegumi SonokawaMiho Yaeno
    MiniYuri characters
    Amusement Club Akari AkazaKyōko ToshinōYui FunamiChinatsu Yoshikawa
    Student Council Ayano SugiuraChitose IkedaSakurako ŌmuroHimawari FurutaniRise Matsumoto
    Teachers Nana NishigakiShihoko Azuma
    Other characters Chizuru IkedaMirakurun/Kurumi
    Reset! characters
    Main characters Hiro TakaokaAoi Isurugi
    Supporting characters Kumako GondagawaKyōko ToshinōYui FunamiChinatsu Yoshikawa
    Minor characters Chitose IkedaAyano SugiuraSakurako ŌmuroAkari Akaza
    Other characters Mirakurun/Kurumi
    Ōmuro-ke characters
    Ōmuro family Sakurako ŌmuroHanako ŌmuroNadeshiko Ōmuro
    Supporting characters Himawari FurutaniKaede FurutaniMirai SōmaKokoro OgawaMisaki TakasakiAi MiwaMegumi SonokawaMiho Yaeno
    Minor characters Chinatsu YoshikawaYui FunamiAkari Akaza
    Tensei Shitara Akari dake Slime datta ken characters
    Main characters Akari AkazaKyōko ToshinōYui FunamiChinatsu Yoshikawa
    Supporting characters AnnaCielAyano SugiuraChitose IkedaHimawari FurutaniNadeshiko ŌmuroHanako ŌmuroNana NishigakiRise MatsumotoMari FunamiTomoko YoshikawaAkane Akaza