This wiki should be adopted, there's no active admin. Maybe I could adopt it myself, IDK. Whuddya guys think?
english dub. there is none.
Hey there.
So I've noticed there are english voice actors on character bios. I've checked their wikipedia page and there's nothing for YuruYuri. And Zendaya Coleman's "Replay" being YuruYuri's english theme song? Okay, first off, that doesnt sound right at ALL, and second, SHE IS NOT YUI. NOR IS ANY OTHER ENGLISH ACTOR THAT SOMEONE HAS PUT UP THERE. Sorry to say, but there has been no plan to dub the anime in english. The farthest they've gotten are to the mangas, and that's it. Look it up. There is no english dub. Yet.
The wiki could rely on quality edits provided by those who have watched this anime and/or have read the manga. Some articles have text where it seems like it is written poorly or just how the writer of that 'certain part' viewed how certain things/people did/how/etc.
Anyway, no one could care less. Hahaha.
Music translations
I can provide translations for the lyrics of Music. Just give me a call if you want them.